- You think / feel that you are trapped in a life that does not give you what you want. Either on a profession or a personal platform Maeve Finch Master Coach will channel your energies to map and plot your course for a more ‘desirable’ life
- You want to make changes but don’t know where to start?
- You are missing ‘something’ but don’t even know what to wish for anymore
Maeve Finch invites you to examine your professional and personal aims and goals and seek ways (with your permission) of bringing about change to enhance both your professional and personal way of life.
Frequently asked questions
What is coaching?
Coaching is a conversation where you, your thoughts, emotions and behaviours; your values and beliefs are clearly heard by the coach. So coaching is about you.
What is the difference between consulting & therapy VS coaching?
What coaching tools do you (Maeve Finch) use?
Maeve Finch of Total Focus uses the Co- Active Coaching Model (please note that other models are used where appropriate such as the GROW model etc.) This means we work in the present while acknowledging the past and moving to a better future
During the Co part – I use the coaching skills of active listening, curious questions, connection and collaboration
In the Active Part I ask you (the person being coached) to draw deep on your own resources of action, your own willpower and self reliance to take charge to achieve your goals and make changes in both your professional and personal life.
There is also recognition that coaching does not happen in a vacuum; our environment whether it is organisational and / or personal is taken in account during coaching.
As already stated coaching is a conversation where you, your thoughts, emotions and behaviours; your values and beliefs are clearly heard by the coach. So coaching is about YOU
You may wish to be coached for a number of reasons and want to take steps to attain this goal. Coaching focuses on your needs and wants. You yourself hold the answers to your own situation.
You are the focus of coaching; however I, as a coach may not give you the answers you want to hear. I may introduce alternative perspectives and ask you to look at your own your thoughts, emotions behaviours and attitude. You may not like it but this is part of the process and as you are in the driving seat you can ask me to stop at any stage in the session.
You as the client will be expected to work during the time that you are being coached. This may include prioritising / achieving goals, gathering materials and information.
Types of coaching offered include:
- Executive coaching
- Personal Coaching
- Organisational Coaching / Team Coaching
- Career Coaching
- Conflict Coaching
- Start your own Business Coaching
- Coaching in the Community and Voluntary Sector
To find out more contact Maeve on 085 735 4446 or contact us
Remember in coaching YOU are the agenda